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    文章出處:未知作者:admin人氣: 發(fā)表時間:2016-03-15 09:55【
    Error; codes Description of errors;
    @@@@FE01, Emergency-stop switch S2 actuated;
    @@@@FE02, Main contactor K1, contact short-circuit;
    @@@@FE03, Intermediate circuit undervoltage (U < 24V)Charge;
    @@@@FE04, Intermediate circuit charging error;
    @@@@FE05, Battery is unlocked If the deadman switch 1S25 and the travel transducer 1U20 are actuated (micro-switch of travel transducer closed), the FPS checks that the battery lock switch 1S27 is closed (battery is locked). If this is not the case, travel program 0 (FP 0) is activated and the maximum speed that is parameterised in Travel program 0 is set (default setting in factory is 3.0 kmph, see "Service software"). Check the switch and wiring and the mechanical elements of the battery lock.
    @@@@FE06, Travel transducer already actuated when the vehicle is switched on or travel transducer actuated without deadman switch;
     If a "travel setpoint" signal (U>5.5V) from the travel transducer 1U20 is already detected when the vehicle is switched on, before the main contactor K1 closes, or if the travel  transducer is actuated before the deadman switch 1S25 (incorrect operating sequence),  the travel function is blocked.  Check travel transducer 1U20, deadman switch 1S25 and the wiring. Maintain the correct  operating sequence.
    @@@@FE07, Travel transducer switch does not close or is already closed when the vehicle is switched on;
        When the FPS detects a "travel setpoint" signal (U>5.5V), the micro-switch of the travel  transducer must also be closed. If it does not close, travel is not permitted.  The same error message is also issued if the micro-switch of travel transducer 1U20 is already closed during the switching-on process. Check the travel transducer (see "Travel transducer").
    @@@@FE08, Travel setpoint is outside the permitted range;
    The travel transducer is supplied with 10 V by the FPS. The FPS monitors whether the "travel setpoint" is always within a range of U>0.4V and U<9.4V. If the setpoint is outside this range, the travel function is switched off. Check the travel transducer for wire breakage / short-circuits (see "Travel transducer").
    @@@@FE09, Short circuit of the supply voltage for travel transducer 1U20;
    A short-circuit has been detected at the 10V output (X1.28) of the FPS, which supplies the travel transducer. Travel is blocked. Check the travel transducer and wiring (see "Travel transducer").
    @@@@FE10, FPS internal CPU error;
     The FPS has detected an internal error. The "Control OK" signal (SOK) from the FPS is not sent (see "FPS, Control OK signal"). The hydraulic functions and travel are blocked. Replace the FPS.
    @@@@FE11, FPS EEPROM error;
    The parameters in the EEPROM have changed or are damaged. There is consequently  an error in the checksum.  The "Control OK" signal (SOK) from the FPS is not sent (see "FPS, Control OK signal").  The hydraulic functions and travel are blocked.  An attempt can be made to rectify this error by setting the parameters in the FPS again  (see "Service software").  If this still does not help, the FPS must be replaced.
    @@@@@@FE12 Internal buffer battery of the FPS is discharged;
     Various parameters cannot be saved after key switch OFF / ON. Replace the FPS.
    @@@@@FE13 Test leads wrongly connected at shunt resistor;
    The FPS has detected that the polarity of the voltage supplied by the test leads of the shunt resistor for ascertaining the battery capacity is the wrong polarity. The battery capacity can no longer be ascertained correctly. Check both signal leads at the test shunt and replace if necessary.
    @@@@FE14 Inernal monitoring error in travel transducer;
    An error has occurred during internal evaluation of the analogue accelerator pedal signal and the switching signal of the accelerator pedal switch.Travel is no longer possible.Check the travel transducer and wiring.If OK,the FPS must be replaced.
    @@@@FE15 Internal CAN bus 2 error;
    The FPS has detected an internal fault in its CAN controller. The hydraulic functions and travel are blocked. Check CAN bus 2 for wiring errors (please see "CAN bus, Bus structure CAN 2"). If the CAN bus is OK, the FPS must be replaced.
    @@@@FE16,internal FPS communication error;
    The monitoring processor (Ue) and the control processor (SR) in the FPS are not able to  exchange information when the vehicle is switched on or during operation.  The "Control OK" signal (SOK) from the FPS is not sent (please see "FPS, Control OK  signal"). The hydraulic functions and travel are blocked.  Replace the FPS.
    @@@@FE17,FPS CAN bus 1,error 1;
    The FPS detects that there is no communication taking place via CAN bus 1 or that  communication is faulty (internal CAN controller fault).  Check that the CAN bus 1 wiring and bus terminal are correct (please see "CAN bus, Bus structure CAN 1"). If the CAN bus is OK, the FPS must be replaced. 
    ----------------------- 頁面 87-----------------------
    @@@@FE18,FPS CAN bus 1,Error 2;
    The FPS detects that there is no communication taking place via CAN bus 1 or that communication is faulty. Check that the CAN bus 1 wiring and bus terminal are correct (see "CAN bus, Bus structure CAN 1"). If the CAN bus is OK, the FPS must be replaced.
    @@@@FE19,Main contactor cannot be triggered due to wire breakage;
    The FPS attempts to clock the main contactor coil but there is no current flowing through the contactor driver. Travel and the hydraulic functions are blocked. Check the wiring of the FPS main contactors and the main contactor itself. If everything is OK, the FPS must be replaced.
    @@@@FE20,Travel converter temperature >80C;
    The temperature in the travel converter has exceeded 80°C. The output power is reduced  linearly to 125°C (see "Converter, Temperature monitoring").   Check ventilation of the converter.
    @@@@FE21,Travel converter temperature >125C;
    The temperature in the travel converter has exceeded 125°C. The output power is   switched off (see "Converter, Temperature monitoring").  Check ventilation of the converter.
    @@@FE22,Travel converter temperature sensor faulty;
    The temperature sensor in the travel converter is faulty (short-circuit or wire breakage).  The output power is switched off (see "Converter, Temperature monitoring"). The converter must be replaced.
    @@@@FE23,Travel converter internal fault;
    The internal safety circuit in the converter has detected a fault. The output power is switched off. The converter must be replaced.   
    @@@@FE25,Drive montor temperature >145C;
    The temperature in the drive motor has exceeded 145°C. The power is immediately reduced to 50%. When the temperature drops below 135°C again, the rated output is possible again (see "Drive motor, Temperature monitoring"). 
    ----------------------- 頁面 88-----------------------
    @@@@FE26, Drive motor temperature > 150C;
    The temperature in the drive motor has exceeded 150°C. The output power is switched off. When the temperature drops below 145°C again, 50% of the rated power is possible again (see "Drive motor, Temperature monitoring").
    @@@@FE27, Drive motor temperature sensor faulty;
    The temperature sensor in the drive motor is faulty (wire breakage / short-circuit) or the connector at the motor has been pulled out. The output power is switched off. The error message @@@@FE26 is also displayed alternately with FE27. Check the wiring of the temperature sensor (see "Drive motor, Temperature monitoring"). If this is OK, the temperature sensor in the motor is faulty. Replace the motor.
    @@@@FE28, Drive motor speed sensor faulty;
    The speed sensor in the drive motor does not deliver any pulses to the FPS or only  sends them along one channel when it is triggered by the travel converter. This means  that there is a difference between the information sent from the converter via the CAN  bus and the information the FPS has determined itself. There is no reduction in speed!  If the signals are also missing at the converter, the converter only drives the motor at a   minimum basic speed (please see "Converter, Speed sensor" and "Drive motor, Speed  sensor").  If this is OK, the speed sensor in the motor is faulty. Replace the sensor in the motor.
    @@@@FE30, Hydraulics converter temperature > 80C;
    The temperature in the hydraulics converter has exceeded 80°C. The output power is reduced linearly to 125°C (see "Converter, Temperature monitoring"). Check ventilation of the converter.---------------------- 頁面 89-----------------------
    @@@@FE31, Hydraulics converter temperature > 125C;
    The temperature in the hydraulics converter has exceeded 125°C. The output power is switched off (see "Converter, Temperature monitoring"). Check ventilation of the converter.
    @@@@FE32, Hydraulics converter temperature sensor faulty The temperature sensor in the hydraulics converter is faulty (short-circuit or wire breakage). The output power is switched off (see "Converter, Temperature monitoring"). The converter must be replaced.
    @@@@FE33, Hydraulics converter internal fault;
    The internal safety circuit in the converter has detected a fault. The output power is  switched off.   The converter must be replaced. 
    @@@@FE35, Hydraulic motor temperature > 145C;
    The temperature in the hydraulic motor has exceeded 145°C. The speed is immediately  limited to 1000 rpm. When the temperature drops below 135°C again, the maximum   speed is possible again (see "drive motor, Temperatur monitoring").
    @@@@FE36, Hydraulic motor temperature > 150°C;
    The temperature in the hydraulic motor has exceeded 150°C. The output power is switched off. When the temperature drops below 145°C again, the speed is limited to 1000 rpm (see "drive motor, Temperature monitoring").
    @@@@FE37, Hydraulic motor temperature sensor faulty;
    The temperature sensor in the hydraulic motor is faulty (wire breakage / short-circuit) or the connector at the motor has been pulled out. The output power is switched off. The error message FE36 is also displayed alternately with FE37. Check the wiring of the temperature sensor (see "drive motor, Temperature monitoring"). If this is OK, the temperature sensor in the motor is faulty. Replace the motor.
    ----------------------- 頁面 90-----------------------
    @@@@FE40,SOK signal from FPS to LAS not sent;
    The LAS module does not receive the "Control OK" signal (SOK) from the FPS (0V signal) within t = 7 secs. after "Key switch ON". The LAS module blocks all the hydraulic functions. The brake cannot be released. Check the wiring between FPS X1.8 and LAS module X11.1. If this is OK, the error is in the FPS (see "FPS, Control OK signal").
    @@@@FE41, CAN bus 1 communication error between LAS and FPS;
    The LAS module is not receiving any data (battery capacity, operating hours, error codes etc.) from the FPS. Travel and the hydraulic functions are blocked. Check that the CAN bus 1 wiring and bus terminal are correct (see "CAN bus, Bus structure CAN 1"). Check the power supply of the FPS (see "FPS, Pin assignment/ signals").  If the CAN bus and the power supply are OK, the FPS must be replaced. To test whether   the FPS is the problem in faulty bus communication, the component can be contacted   directly via the onboard diagnosis of the display (Software version query, see "Display,   Onboard diagnosis, Software version query"). If "FE58" appears on the display when the  query is made (see "Display, Onboard diagnosis, Error codes") the component is faulty.
    ----------------------- 頁面 91-----------------------
    @@@@FE42, CAN bus 2 communication error between FPS and travel converter;
    The FPS is not receiving any data from the travel converter. The main contactor K1 is opened. Check that the CAN bus 2 wiring and bus terminal are correct (see "CAN bus, Bus structure CAN 2"). If the CAN bus is OK, the converter must be replaced. To test whether the converter is the problem in faulty bus communication, the component can be contacted directly via the onboard diagnosis of the display (Software version query, see "Display, Onboard diagnosis, Software version query"). If Version 0.00 appears on the display when the query is made (see "Display, Onboard diagnosis, Error codes") the component is faulty.
    Remark: This error message is also issued if the 48V supply voltage is missing at X1.1 of  the converter (see "Converter, Status LED"). This is, for example, the case when   the emergency-stop button has been actuated.    
    @@@@FE43, CAN bus 2 communication error between the FPS and hydraulic converter;
    The FPS is not receiving any data from the hydraulic converter. The main contactor K1  remains closed but the hydraulic functions are blocked.   Check that the CAN bus 2 wiring and bus terminal are correct (see "CAN bus, Bus   structure CAN 2").  If the CAN bus is OK, the converter must be replaced. To test whether the converter is the problem in faulty bus communication, the component can be contacted directly via the onboard diagnosis of the display (Software version query, see "Display, Onboard diagnosis, Software version query"). If Version 0.00 appears on the display when the query is made (see "Display, Onboard diagnosis, Error codes") the component is faulty.
    Remark: This error message is also issued if the 48V supply voltage is missing at X1.1 of  the converter (see "Converter, Status LED"). This is, for example, the case when  the emergency-stop button has been actuated. ----------------------- 頁面 92-----------------------
    @@@@FE45, CAN bus 1 communication error between LAS and display;
    The LAS module is not receiving any data from the display. All functions continue to be possible. Only the information on the display is no longer updated. Check that the CAN bus 1 wiring and bus terminal are correct (see "CAN bus, Bus structure CAN 1"). If the CAN bus is OK, the display must be replaced.
    Remark: This error code cannot be shown on the display since communication has  broken down. It can, however, be read out of the error memory of the LAS  module with the service software (see "Service software").
    @@@@FE48, CAN bus 1 communication error between LAS and steering;
    The LAS module is not receiving any data from the steering (Steering OK, wheel position,  etc.). The brake is closed. Travel is blocked.  Check that the CAN bus 1 wiring and bus terminal are correct (see "CAN bus, Bus  structure CAN 1"). Check the power supply of the steering (see "Steering, Steering unit,   Connections").  If the CAN bus and the power supply are OK, the steering must be replaced. To test  whether the steering is the problem in faulty bus communication, the component can be  contacted directly via the onboard diagnosis of the display (Software version query, see   "Display, Onboard diagnosis, Software version query"). If "@@@@FE58" appears on the display  when the query is made (see "Display, Onboard diagnosis, Error codes") the component is  faulty.
    @@@@FE50, Lifting potentiometer wire breakage;
    The two values of the setpoint potentiometer for lifting/lowering the main lift (arm 1 and arm 2) are outside the monitoring range of 8.5 - 11V on addition. Check the wiring between the potentiometer and the LAS module. If this is OK, replace the potentiometer or lever. The main lift function is blocked.


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